
Planner 68!

This is from a friend who graciously let me take a picture of the cover of her school planner. Ch'yeah! :-D

Lego 68!

These were all from three different places in a Lego bulldozer set.


Milk 68

I can't believe it! This one's gone under my nose for way too long.

(Collection) iMob 68

I've discovered a whole new output of 68. This one's a gold mine! Topping even Apple's notable evilness, I present to you iMob.

Frightened? You should be.

Clock 68

Yeah, I know, I cheated a little with that one, but look at my awesome wallpaper!

Yet another iTunes 68!

Enough is enough. Gentlemen, I believe we've found the source of 68.

Falling Balls 68

Guess how the little guy died.

Airplane 68

"Thanks, I'd rather drive there."
Yeah, I know, it's "upside down so it's really 89" but you want to know the horrible truth? They're encoding it. It's hidden, they're subliminally messaging you. That's why I'm here.

Library Bar Code 68

So, the library too, eh? It's not just this book, but every single book at (classified) public library! They all have the unmentionable number in their bar codes!

World of Warcraft 68

It seems that all of these huge companies are in cahoots... dang, I must rethink my strategy. (ponders)

Another iTunes 68

I'm starting to think Apple seriously has something going on with this...

Wii 68

I always thought something was up with those weirdos at Nintendo.

iTunes 68

Apple! You traitor!